Taming your supermarket bill leading up to Christmas

Family · 15 Nov 2017

Save a little extra cash to cover all of those last minute, unexpected costs that seem to crop up every holiday season.

Save a little extra cash to cover all of those last minute, unexpected costs that seem to crop up every holiday season.  Supermarket spending adds up quickly, so here are our top five tips to tame the bill at the checkout this holiday season.

1. Don't shop while hungry

If there’s ever a cardinal rule for grocery shopping, this might be it. When you’re hungry, almost everything at the supermarket looks good - typically leading to a fuller trolley and a higher supermarket spend. Supermarkets know how to take advantage of our hunger, so try to have a snack before shopping. That said, there’s not a lot you can do if you are hungry and need food, so check out these 10 Rules for Shopping While Hungry.

2. Try not to be a product snob

Sometimes a brand-name product is popular for a reason, but most of the time store brand products are better value. Some store products are virtually identical to their premium rivals- they’re often made by the same manufacturer. Even switching to a generic brand for staple products (think flour, dried fruit and butter for that Christmas cake) can result in a significant saving.

3. Stock up on specials

Grocery stores often use specials to encourage us to buy food we don’t really need. We’ve all bought three lettuces on a multibuy deal when, realistically, our family was only going to eat one or two that week. Ignore those specials, but pay particular attention to specials on products you regularly buy. If you’ll need sausages for the barbeque this Christmas, consider buying and freezing a month’s worth during meat week. If a great multibuy comes up on your favourite muesli, buy a few extra bags.

4. Time your shop well

When you shop can be almost as important as where. Supermarkets regularly mark down perishables to keep stock fresh. Meats are often discounted first thing, while hot chickens and bakery products are discounted later on. Some supermarkets have overlapping specials on one day a week, where both the previous week's and the upcoming week's specials are valid - this can be the best day to compare deals on different cuts of meat or competing food brands.

5. Use your smartphone

A smartphone is a must have to keep grocery costs under control, whether to compare prices between different products or supermarkets. Shop around - there’s no shame in visiting one store and then the other!

Many Kiwi families are holding off on big ticket items, like a new car or renovations, in the lead up to Christmas - but could you make the biggest difference by changing up your grocery shopping habits? Whether the savings are big or small, it’s all about working towards making it happen.

Check out these other great money-saving blogs from Harmoney:

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