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April 2024

We care deeply about your safety and security online. Unfortunately, we've become aware of reports regarding scam activity involving replica Harmoney websites and Harmoney Facebook pages. Your trust is paramount to us, which is why we want to ensure you can easily identify legitimate Harmoney pages and avoid falling victim to fraudulent schemes. Here are some important points to remember:

  • Beware of Replica Pages: There have been reports this month of individuals falling victim to scams perpetrated by replica Harmoney Facebook pages. These pages attempt to mimic the appearance and branding of genuine Harmoney pages but are operated by malicious actors seeking to deceive unsuspecting users.
  • Check the Page URLs: The only authentic Harmoney Facebook pages are https://www.facebook.com/harmoneynz and https://www.facebook.com/harmoneyau. These pages are verified and managed directly by Harmoney. Before engaging with any Harmoney page on Facebook, double-check the URL to ensure it matches one of these official pages.
  • Look for Low 'Like' Counts: One quick way to identify a fraudulent replica Harmoney page is by examining its 'like' count. Replica pages often have significantly fewer likes compared to genuine pages. If you notice an unusually low 'like' count, exercise caution and refrain from interacting with the page.
  • Harmoney's websites are found on https://www.harmoney.co.nz in New Zealand and on https://www.harmoney.com.au in Australia. We also use sub-domains, such as https://secure.harmoney.com.au

Your safety and security are our top priorities. If you come across any suspicious activity or believe you've encountered a replica Harmoney page, please report it to us immediately. By staying vigilant and informed, together we can protect our community from online scams and ensure a safer digital environment for all.

The Harmoney manifesto

We created our manifesto to express and share our views, motives, and intentions. It explains why we care and why our work matters.

creating brighter futures video thumbnail

How we do things

Our passion for transforming the borrower experience means we’ve always approached things differently.

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For people whose only experience in personal finance is dealing with banks and finance companies, Harmoney’s differences can be big. For example, at Harmoney we don’t let people assess who is credit worthy. Instead, technology, science and mountains of data are used to make better decisions, faster.

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This approach is different, but we think it’s fairer and more reliable, removing possible misinterpretation and unconscious bias from decision making. It also means we’re constantly learning — getting better and better in an ever-changing world.

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At Harmoney, we believe using machines to do the things they are good at makes sense. Our people focus on the things that they are good at: researching, designing and building better customer experiences.Our culture reflects our commitment to continuous improvement and growth so we can all be the best humans we can be, creating brighter futures for all of us.

More about us


A company has leadership at all levels and in teams of all sizes. Leadership is something we encourage and nurture at Harmoney, led by our Senior Leadership Team.

Senior leadership team


People drive Harmoney: their inspiration, imagination, creativity and passion powers what we do. If you want to help Harmoney create brighter futures for people, get in touch.

Careers at Harmoney